Family Time Decline

From 2000 to 2005 people reported spending on average 26 hours per month with their family. By 2008 this number had dropped 30% to only 18 hrs.  Technology, mobile phones, and social networking has fundamentally changed the way family members interact.  While its easier and more convenient for families to communicate instantly the quality and quantity of time spent together has deteriorated.  We have to remember that a Blackberry or iPhone may give us instant contact and convenience but it has eroded the time and attention we give our families.  I confess I am often a culprit of technology checking email or text messages while playing with my kids.  My Father’s Day resolution is to put down the iPhone.

Adult ADD

85% of adults with ADD have no idea they struggle with the condition.  Only 15% are aware and receive treatment.  CNN recently ran an article on ADD & Women. It’s estimated that 5 million American women deal with this problem.


28% of Texans admit to driving while texting.  While I must confess I have been an occasional offender the alarming number for me is the number of teenagers who admit to it.  A whopping 58%!  And that’s just the ones who freely acknowledge it.  This is a dangerous and potentially deadly distraction.  The federal government estimates that 30% of all auto accidents involve some type of driver distraction.

Do Antidepressants do what they promise?

A recent Time magazine article discusses the debate.  My take is that there are wide variations in effectiveness depending upon which study you read.  Depression and its treatment is a difficult illness to measure and analyze.  Working closely with a therapist and doctor is someone’s best bet.  I really cannot understand how one could expect to beat depression without counseling.   To expect to cure it without counseling as these studies attempt to do is naive and foolish.  No wonder the success rates of these medications are so low.  We’ve known for some time that counseling is critical and for serious depression the combination of meds and counseling is your best bet to beat it and prevent it from coming back.

Autism Awareness

Today is “World Autism Awareness Day”.  These parents deserve our utmost support and praise. These pervasive developmental disorders are not all severe and debilitating.  Many kids have what is called Asperger’s Syndrome characterized by social difficulties, a narrow range of interests, and a lack of emotional and social reciprocity.  Social skill and emotional coping therapies have helped these children significantly so they lead successful lives.