Too much specialization in sports at an early age comes with multiple risks such as injury, burn out, stress and anxiety.
Author Archives: koyrob
Are you extreme?
I like what this Psychology professor says in the following article. “You know you’re an extreme parent when you’re convinced your second-grade son is having more fun doing the Kumon advanced math program than watching Saturday morning cartoons.” Kathy Hirsh-Pasek states that there are two competing developmental views of children. 1) A child is an …
FaceBook Safety Center
Facebook announced new safety features during a White House summit on bullying. The article states that this new reporting tool will let Facebook users, including teens and younger users, to privately report troubling content not just to the site itself but to parents, teachers and others in their support system. Facebook wrote “safety and child psychology experts …
Stop stressing about getting in to a ‘good’ college
A theory I have believed but could never totally prove has been studied by two economists. Researchers Stacy Dale and Alan Krueger discovered graduates of elite colleges made no more money than graduates of other universities in a study 20 years ago. Hard to believe, eh? Dale and Krueger have revisited their paper and studied this …
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Bullying and popularity
Interesting, new research as we continue to seek ways to stop this epidemic. However, I know the real solution. Only when an entire school, school district, community creates a culture of no bullying. Schools routinely give lip service to anti-bullying with fancy programs and curriculum but it only works when every last adult from principal down …
Is your child a pathological gamer?
A recent study in the American Academy of Pediatrics links excessive gaming with depression, anxiety and poor grades. In fact, over a two year time period 84% of the children in the study remained “addicted” to gaming which indicates it isn’t just a phase they go through. The researchers asked questions similar to those asked …
Try this New Year’s Resolution for 2011
I think strengthening your relationships is a better idea than going to the gym or giving up sugar. It would take me less than a day to break the no-sugar idea anyway. I rarely hear anyone say their plan was to improve their marriage, change their relationship with their kids, or transform their ties with …
Not good news
Something I feared has now become a reality. More teens smoke marijuana than cigarettes according to a recent study.
Sparkling Cheerleaders
They’ve got my vote for Texans of the year. I hope every high school in Texas will follow their lead. Pass along this link to your school administrators.
Learn a foreign language
It could prove helpful to learn to translate the language of teen text.