Why do smart kids have low self-esteem, underachieve & give up easily?

According to a survey by Columbia University 85% of American parents think it’s important to tell their kids that they’re smart.  However, child psychology research has in recent years discovered that this form of praise fails to improve a child’s self-esteem.  In fact, praising a child’s smarts too often will likely lower self-esteem and cause …

Thank you

As many know my Mom died on September 21st after four months in the hospital. I would like to thank you for your kindness, compassion, cards, thoughts and prayers during this time.  I consider the folks I see in my practice part of my extended family and your patience with me during this time means …

Internet Addiction Treatment Center

The first residential treatment center for Internet addiction has opened it’s doors outside of Seattle. The center’s first and only patient at this time describes his addiction to the online game “World of Warcraft” as destructive as alcohol or drugs. With the explosion of social networking, text messaging, and gaming this syndrome is no longer a …

Can a preschooler be depressed?

Many people still believe very young children are immune from depression because they are too emotionally immature.  I’ve done my best to educate folks that clinical depression is prevalent even amongst very young children.  Previous research suggests that depression is observed in approximately 2% of American preschoolers.  A newer study now points out that depression …

Cell phones as dangerous as alcohol?

Researchers suggest talking or texting while driving poses the exact same hazards as drinking and driving. Drivers using phones are reportedly four times more likely to cause an accident. We’ve got a lot of work to do to educate our teenagers and change their behavior as well as our own.

Row your own boat

Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream. Listen to Dr. Wayne Dyer’s version. A profoundly simple yet powerful lesson to teach our children & live out in our own lives.

Dad’s Day

More and more Dads are discovering it’s cool to be an active, involved father. They don’t feel the pressure most Mom’s do & aren’t necessarily afraid of being judged.  The priority for them is raising good kids.  Now there are websites such as DadLabs, blogs, and online communities devoted to fatherhood.  More resources and education than …