Robin William’s suicide shines spotlight on mental health

The tragic and shocking death of beloved comic and actor Robin Williams has slammed us with mental health media attention. If a man such as Robin Williams could quietly suffer so desperately with Depression and addiction we should be more vigilant and aware; encouraging and affirming those who need treatment.  Mental health awareness needs to stay on the societal …

Is handwriting still important?

As our schools move ever so closer toward total technology are we actually handicapping students? Recent research suggests handwriting is critical for a child’s educational development.  Children learn to read more quickly when they learn to write by hand and can generate ideas and retain information better.  The cognitive processing involved in writing by hand is …

We need a break from the Princess Culture

We all want to raise healthy, self-confident, well-rounded girls.  But the tight grip that the princess culture has on our daughters is scary as they move into adolescence and adulthood. Peggy Orenstein has written extensively on this topic.  She offers some suggestions for navigating this culture in an interview with PBS.  Expose and engross your …