We need a break from the Princess Culture

We all want to raise healthy, self-confident, well-rounded girls.  But the tight grip that the princess culture has on our daughters is scary as they move into adolescence and adulthood. Peggy Orenstein has written extensively on this topic.  She offers some suggestions for navigating this culture in an interview with PBS.  Expose and engross your …

Tylenol and ADHD linked

Researchers just discovered a link between women taking Acetaminophen during pregnancy and their children having ADHD.  This does not mean one causes the other but these women’s children were more likely to develop ADHD. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2014/02/24/acetaminophen-pregnancy-adhd/5782763/

ADHD on the rise but not over-diagnosed

I get asked routinely whether ADHD is over-diagnosed and over-treated. The short answer is “No.” While I certainly believe there are places and cases where this happens I’ve always said that statistically this is just not the case irregardless of public controversy.  I can understand the perception given the CDC’s recent research indicating a 43% …

Self-Injury Awareness Day

On Wednesday, Maddey Nelson will join others across the country and write the word “love” on her arm. The movement, started by supporters of the nonprofit To Write Love on Her Arms, aims to raise awareness and prevent self-injury.