The bombings at the Boston Marathon are terrifying from a distance. For my family it hits close to home not because we knew one of the victims. If you search the archives of my blog you’ll see a picture of me and my wife after she ran the Boston Marathon a few years ago. I …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Violent video games
Studies on the effects of youth playing violent video games continues to be murky. It’s pretty clear that it leads to an increase in aggression in the short term but researchers are unsure if it directly leads to longer term effects such as those who continue to act out or engage in violence seen in …
Spring Break
Hope you and your kids were able to decompress and recharge before the sprint to the end of the school year when STAAR testing takes center stage and Spring Fever is in the air. We had a fun time and made some lasting memories.
Watch CNN Thursday at 9:00PM
Spread the word and ask everyone you know to tune in to AC360 tomorrow night at 9:00PM. The powerful documentary “The Bully Effect” premieres on CNN. CNN.COM also has several important articles in their Special Report on Bullying. Bullying as a form of “social combat” and hi-tech bullying are important pieces to share with your …
No Make-Up Monday
National Eating Disorders Week is February 24th – March 2nd. The Renfrew Center Foundation is asking all women and girls to forego make-up on Monday, February 25th. The purpose is to raise awareness and promote a dialogue about healthy body image and inner beauty. 20% of girls ages 8 – 18 apparently associate unattractiveness with …
Does your teenager care about their friends?
If so, that’s good news according to a recent study in the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. As adults we often lament the time and attention teenagers give to their friends at the expense of their family or other responsibilities. However, this research suggests there is a silver lining to this behavior after all. Researchers …
Continue reading “Does your teenager care about their friends?”
Catch your child being good
Andrea Petersen’s Wall Street Journal article identifies parenting that works. Our parenting brains have a negativity bias meaning we pay more attention to our kid’s bad behavior than their good. If you want to be more effective disciplining your children and changing behavior you will praise and reward positive behavior 3 to 4 times more …
NASP talking points about violence
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers High profile acts of violence, particularly in schools, can confuse and frighten children who may feel in danger or worry that their friends or loved-ones are at risk. They will look to adults for information and guidance on how to react. Parents and school personnel …
Newtown, CT
In the book of Matthew two thousand years ago Jesus said – “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” There have been 31 school shootings since Columbine in 1999. It seems we’ve learned little to nothing in two millennia much less 13 years. How do we help, befriend, encourage, affirm, …
“Raising a grateful child is an ongoing process”
Wisdom I hope to instill in my children as we head for the Holiday season.