Self-harm more common than you think

Researchers in Australia report eight percent of 14-19 year olds deliberately injure themselves. Girls more than boys. Thankfully, these numbers decline as they age and 90% of cases resolve on their own. But teenagers often engage in this behavior to block out painful emotions unable to find healthy ways of coping or get support.

Exercise is good for your brain and body

Gretchen Reynolds’ New York Times article shares new research behind the process of how exercise improves cognition while Denene Miller encourages parents to fight for the fourth “R” because among other things 42% of kids get most of their exercise from recess.

Is your child catching enough zzzz’s?

Some children diagnosed as ADHD may have another problem: a sleep disorder, according to researchers. Children who lose as little as one-half hour of sleep can display symptoms of ADHD.  It’s critical that parents and doctors rule out sleep problems initially.  Evidently, most parents are uninformed because fewer than 10 percent of parents can answer …

Kind Campaign

Two girls traveled across the country to expose the truth about girl against girl bullying.  If you missed one of their screenings you can still catch their documentary on March 30th at Harpool Middle School in Lantana.

Facebook Depression?

Social media has a more negative impact on self-esteem, distorted body images, eating disorders and insecurities than traditional media.  The heaviest users tend to have the most distorted beliefs about society says Dina Borzekowski, professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, who specializes in children, media and health.  “Messages and images are more targeted; …

Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston “could not or had not repaired her damaged self.”  This is a good editorial with a very important message that the most important relationship we will ever have is our relationship with ourselves.

Unraveling Teenage Weirdness

What happens when children reach puberty earlier and adulthood later? Teenage weirdness. Alison Gopnik in The Wall Street Journal writes how developmental psychologists and neuroscientists are starting to explain the foundations of that weirdness & readjust adolescence. Clue. It might just mean requiring our children to apprentice and have real responsibilities so we can actually …