Bully to elevate social status

The stereotype of the school bully preying upon the weak student isn’t much of a reality among today’s youth according to new research.  In a CNN study researchers surprisingly discovered there isn’t much difference between bullies and victims.  Most bullying reflects what they call “social combat”.  The prime motivation behind bullying appears to be social …

Start strong

A slew of resources, advice and tips to ensure your child with ADD, ADHD or Learning Disabilities has a great school year. http://www.additudemag.com/channel/adhd-learning-disabilities/index.html

College professor’s video game addiction

An honest and eye-opening account of a man’s struggle with video game addiction.  I was especially interested in how this problem manifested itself during his teenage and college years. He and his parents apparently normalized the behavior.  We do that…don’t we?  I agree that gaming can be a poor substitute for legitimate social relationships.  Social …