It could prove helpful to learn to translate the language of teen text.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
No stress and no gifts to worry about. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. This is the reason why. My Dad, my kids and my nieces. It’s all about relationships and enjoying the people you love. I hope you had a wonderful time with the people in your life you love.
This is your brain…
This is your teen’s brain on drugs. Any questions?
Too much Facebook?
Recent research on 4,000 high school students in Ohio indicate that those who text and use Facebook the most are at higher risk for other troublesome behaviors such as drinking, smoking, risky sex, depression, eating disorders and absenteeism. The researchers surmise that these are the teens who are working especially hard to fit in. Working …
Because of a consistent string of bullying-related suicides it seems this horrendous problem amongst kids and teens is finally getting the media attention it deserves. Unfortunately, the problem has to rise to multiple suicides for it to get serious attention. Believe it or not there are many who still believe this to be a normal …
Rachel’s Challenge
I pray many more schools will participate in Rachel’s Challenge. A number of schools in the North Texas area are involved. WFAA Channel 8 is also partnering in this cause. What a antidote for the bullying and mistreatment that runs rampant in our schools these days. This issue is especially on my mind as we …
Ian Kinsler Rangers 2nd Baseman
I absolutely love it when professional athletes, entertainers or notably successful people disclose they have ADD/ADHD or some other struggle. It normalizes it for the kids and teens who deal with similar issues. They are able to see that in spite of a struggle they have risen above it and used it to help propel …
Sisters are Good for You
Now I know why I always longed for a sister growing up rather than being stuck in the middle of two brothers. Recent research out of Brigham Young University suggests that having a sister provides a child with a form of psychological immunity. Having a sister tends to protect one from a host of …
Whether it’s your five year old starting Kindergarten or your 18 year old shipping off to college homesickness is a normal, adaptive process. Being homesick is really just a deep need for love, protection and security. The cure is allowing your child the psychological space to go through these experiences. Rescuing them or hovering is …
Internet Addiction linked to Teen Depression
In an August report by the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine teenagers run a 2.5 times greater risk of becoming depressed if they engage in addictive Internet use. Uncontrolled and unreasonable Internet use is similar to other problematic and scary addictions like pornography or gambling. Previous research into pathological Internet behavior has discovered a …
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