
Whether it’s your five year old starting Kindergarten or your 18 year old shipping off to college homesickness is a normal, adaptive process.  Being homesick is really just a deep need for love, protection and security.  The cure is allowing your child the psychological space to go through these experiences.  Rescuing them or hovering is …

Internet Addiction linked to Teen Depression

In an August report by the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine teenagers run a 2.5 times greater risk of becoming depressed if they engage in addictive Internet use.  Uncontrolled and unreasonable Internet use is similar to other problematic and scary addictions like pornography or gambling.  Previous research into pathological Internet behavior has discovered a …

Plugged in Parents

Thought-provoking NY Times article about the effects and potential risks of parenting while constantly connected to technology. Most of the recent research and scholarly articles have focused on risks associated with children and teens use or abuse of electronics and gadgets.  However, one researcher indicates feelings of hurt, jealousy, and competition are pervasive when parents …

Exercise improves GPA

I’m fascinated by the continued string of well-controlled, scientific studies on the benefits of exercise.  It just keeps getting better.  We now know that vigorous exercise has proven just as effective as antidepressant medication in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression.  It improves self-esteem and controls weight not to mention the plethora of physiological …

Good idea

A New Jersey middle school principal speaks out about social networking. He garnered national attention for his call to action imploring parents to take their middle school age children off of FaceBook and other social networking sites.  I think it’s a good idea.  Most middle school age kids are ill equipped psychologically to deal with …

Wake Up Call

Wondering if even the immense news coverage of Phoebe Prince’s suicide is enough to rattle parents and school administrators across the country to address this silent epidemic?  My experience is that many parents and school administrators routinely minimize bullying as a normal rite of passage, phase, or issue that is largely out of their control.  …