Bullied kids suffer academically

Most research on bullying has focused on the severe psychological problems bullied children experience.  However, a research study recently published  in the Journal of Educational Psychology indicates bullied children suffer academically as well as emotionally. Chronically bulled students suffer declining test scores, a growing dislike for school and failing confidence in their abilities.  Boys versus girls …

Calls to crisis lines surge post-election

Statistics released by crisis and suicide prevention lines indicated calls surged after the election Tuesday evening.  Most callers said they were calling in regards to the election but typically they were dealing with preexisting depressive, anxiety or other mental health conditions.  These are the issues they ended up discussing with the crisis counselors.   Hopefully, there is …

Celebrities sharing their stories of depression

Actress Glenn Close  was diagnosed with Depression in 2008 and 2010 and told USA Today that  the “most powerful tool to breaking the barriers caused by stigma are personal stories.”  In addition to Close celebrities like Selena Gomez, Kristin Bell, Demi Lovato, Dwayne Johnson and Darryl McDaniels have shared their stories.  By opening up and sharing their …