Social media adult depression

Teenage social media use and mental health has received a great deal of attention and scrutiny. However, a recent large-scale study also links social media use and depression among adults. We’re experiencing a mental health crisis where one-third of adults in the U.S. are depressed according to an October study. This number is up from 8.5% before the pandemic. For this recent research over 5000 adults’ social media habits were studied for one year. Adults using FaceBook, SnapChat, Instagram and TikTok with an average age of 56 were substantially more likely to report depression. It’s no surprise social media use has increased during the pandemic. Experts agree our brains were not meant for this type of interpersonal interaction. Social media has hijacked the need for socializing with something artificial and insufficient.


Congrats to all the high school and college graduates! You know who you are. I am thrilled, proud and blessed to be a small part of your journey. My daughter punched her ticket and is headed to college in the Fall. I couldn’t love her anymore than I do. The future is going to be a great adventure. “People’s lives testify to their beliefs as much or more than their words.”

Mental Health Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. One of the few positives that have occurred over the course of this pandemic is the increased attention on mental health. However, this has come at the expense of the deterioration of both children and adult mental health over the past year. It appears Depression and Anxiety rates are three to four times higher than pre-pandemic. Cook Children’s has launched a campaign to raise awareness about suicide. They have treated double the number of suicidal patients in a given month. Suicidal death was the leading cause of traumatic death at Cook’s Children’s in 2020.


As we near the one year mark of the pandemic research is trickling in on the psychological effects on children and adults. Finally, with some light at the end of this dark tunnel we will begin to see improvements in these statistics over the coming months. Hope and optimism can buffer our kids and mitigate these issues from becoming long-term mental health problems. What we do know is the effects of this pandemic on our children can be compared to those of children who have survived natural disasters. A study of 10,000 high school students revealed that classroom students are faring better. They have lower rates of stress and worry than their online peers. However, high school students overall are reporting a 56.4% increase in stress compared to a year ago. Another study indicates there is a 24% increase in mental health visits to emergency rooms among 5-11 year olds and a 31% increase in these visits among teenagers. I’m optimistic we will resume some sense of normalcy sooner rather than later but our kids need our continued support and understanding.

May is Mental Health Month

Clearly, this is the most difficult mental health month on record. Many of us worry covid-19 mental health effects could be a pandemic as well. However, most children are likely to bounce back and could become more resilient if this is only short term. Teens will undoubtedly struggle more with the added stress. Much of our kids’ resiliency will be tied to the safety and security of their families. Our hope is this pandemic is short term. But it will affect kids in different ways and they will remember it differently depending on their age. I am here to help you, your children and teenagers become more resilient and develop stronger coping skills. Resiliency and coping skills to carry with them long after this pandemic is over.