Good Morning Texas Interview

Have had a lot of great feedback from folks who watched my interview on Good Morning Texas!  Thanks so much for all the encouragement, support, and comments about TeenShrink!!  It seems like this new concept in adolescent counseling that meets teens on their turf and on their terms resonates with a lot of people.  Teens can be reluctant if not outright resistant to traditional, face-to-face counseling in an office setting.  They are usually more comfortable communicating via phone, email, or text messaging.  At the same time, parents and adolescents are often too busy and over scheduled as it is which makes office visits more burdensome.  This service is for teens and their parents who want 7 day-a-week access to a professional counselor when they want it or when they need it.  One benefit is that it costs about one-third the price of traditional counseling.  In addition, all scheduling, paperwork, and billing is done headache-free online at our website  If you have not watched the Good Morning Texas segment on WFAA Channel 8 with Paige McCoy Smith you can click this link below.