U.S. Women are World Cup Champions. Enjoyed hearing Coach Jill Ellis in post game interview say this is a great day to show little girls everywhere to dream big! I agree.
Here’s my soccer girl dreaming big.
U.S. Women are World Cup Champions. Enjoyed hearing Coach Jill Ellis in post game interview say this is a great day to show little girls everywhere to dream big! I agree.
Here’s my soccer girl dreaming big.
Everyone knows a child benefits tremendously from having an engaged, involved Dad. However, a new report supported by the United Nations Population Fund aggregating hundreds of studies on fatherhood found that involved, engaged fathers also live longer and experience better psychological health. They have fewer physical and mental health problems, report being happier and are more productive at work. The study notes a decrease in violence and drug abuse among fathers due to the emotional bond they form with their young children. Fathers who are financial contributing breadwinners were also found to have improved psychological functioning. Increases in fathers’ financial contributions improved self-esteem, self-efficacy and measures of psychological distress. I’ve found even more motivation to be a good Dad! Happy Fathers Day!
There’s been a lot of hard work and perseverance on the part of students and parents. I hope all of you take pride in your accomplishments and enjoy this moment! The journey rather than the destination is surely the most fulfilling. Here I am celebrating with my niece, Hanna in Corpus Christi. She’s going to major in Business and attend Abilene Christian University in August.
My kids’ got to see their favorite player come off the bench with 2 outs in the bottom of the 9th inning to win it for the Rangers. Make some memories with your kids this summer!
Spread the word before May has come and gone. It’s Mental Health Month and for 65 years Mental Health America has led this observance through local events, screenings and the media. Of course I agree that mental health is something everyone should care about and support!
Binge drinking is increasing in young people. While alcohol consumption in general has declined about 2.5% over the past 20 years the rates of binge drinking in youth have jumped. Kids are taking up drinking at increasingly earlier ages which has caused the OECD to categorize it as a “major public health and social concern.” Dangerous alcohol consumption by young people is now responsible for more deaths than HIV, AIDS, violence and tuberculosis combined. Among boys alcohol consumption has risen from 30% to 43% and among girls it’s increased from 26% to 41%.
A recent study published in the Journal of Studies of Alcohol and drugs concluded that children who had sipped alcohol by 6th Grade were five times more likely to have a drink by high school and four times more likely to binge drink or get intoxicated. Evidently allowing our children to taste or try alcohol in our presence sends the wrong message. Kids are not mature enough to know when drinking is acceptable and when it is not. Younger adolescents might not know the difference between a sip and having a drink or two. Some kids are getting the message that drinking alcohol is okay, especially when it is provided by a parent.
Three 8th Grade basketball players leave the court to stop bullying of a cheerleader with Down’s Syndrome. Inspirational news about some Middle Schoolers!
Finally! I don’t have to micromanage my kids every time they want to see something on YouTube. YouTube Kids launched recently and bans all explicit content and comments. With YouTube even when you are searching or watching innocent videos you have to be prepared for inappropriate content to pop up. It’s always made me anxious for my kids to view anything on there. This app has long been needed!